

The more you are motivated, the greater the opportunity spreads
Joined in 2002
I believe that it is not just a shop or company where the food is delicious.

I started working here because I was a part-time worker at our company's retail store in  my college days. When I retired from another company, I reported to the manager and the landlady. They advised me to reinstate as an employee, and after 3 days of the president interview, I started working at “Wagokoro Tonkatsu Anzu” Harada.

When I was a store manager, sales marked double and manpower run short. That was unforgettable. The president himself assisted in sorting washings, and the staff voluntarily increased working hours and reduced my burden. I realized that “It is not just a shop or company where the food is delicious“. So I also try to help a little when I go to the store.

Shortly I was entrusted to open the new store domestically and overseas, I am the president of Taiwan and South Korea's base. I am also in charge of construction of a new factory in Taiwan and Shanghai, and I am advancing with Mr. Sato who introduced on this website. Sometimes we leave for Shanghai from our place to meet, and disband at the destination.

President's belief, foresight, flexibility, execution power become corporate culture and the moving force of growth

I spend two third of the month abroad right now, but it was hard for me to go abroad at the beginning of my assignment. However, I gradually got used to foreign business practices and I think flexible. For example, opening of the new store was delayed and just finished the day before. That things will not happen in Japan but I came to think that “Oh, again!”. If it is 3 days before, “It is early this time, I can train the staff for 2 days!”. Nothing faze me whatever happens and broaden my horizons.

Especially for overseas staff, we work to some extent freely, except for major decisions. In large company, you need a lot of approval. But our CEO often say “Just do it” when you suggest him directly. Such a culture of openness and trust, we do not have a distance to the top. So at our company, even new recruits can get into the president's office without any hesitation.

Commitment is not just food ingredients. For example, we use Arita-yaki's (porcelain) bowls in to our customers one by one. We are not a family restaurant. Since our belief is that be genuine when you do it, we have a commitment to every piece of equipment. I think that flexibility to incorporate new things more quickly, execution ability, etc. are the moving force behind our corporate culture and growth.

A climate and environment that makes it easy to express opinions and runs it

The future goal is to get a higher position. Otherwise, the position of the subordinates will not improve. And, like the staff who worked at the Harada since the opening, I would like to increase the number of company who love us.

There are climates and environments that allow us to express our own opinions and execute. Especially those who are interested in the restaurant industry and overseas business, those who are strongly motivated, especially those who are more motivated, the chances are widening and you can feel a great rewarding.


8:50am Go to the office by bus. It takes about 30 minutes. He stays in Taiwan for 10 days in a month.
9am Morning assembly. Confirm and inform the work content of the day and future plans etc.
9:15am Meeting with the factory manager at the company, business negotiations with visiting companies, making an appointment etc.
12pm Visiting direct management stores according to busy lunch time. He helps the staff to prepare foods depending on the situation.
2pm Lunch break. He often buys a lunch box near office or have lunch at the near restaurant where he will have negotiation.
3pm Business activities. They sometimes hold a meeting with an interpreter at a direct management store. After returning home, check the daily report (mail) of direct management stores, check the schedule of the next day, make an appointments etc.
6pm Get away from work


ThailandYASUHISA SATO Joined in 2002
Sales departmentTOMOHISA KOJIMA Joined in 2005
Harada restaurantSOTA HANADA Joined in 2013
Restaurant departmentSHIHO NAGANO
Joined in 2014
Making a great impression to
customers through foods
ATOM CO., LTD 5-17-25, Matsushima, Higashi Ku, Fukuoka City 813-0062
© 2017 ATOM Co., Ltd.
